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Iceland, a place so simple and sweet
of rolling mountains and glacier peaks
long haired horses and roaming sheep
where cows and swans and puffins meet
walk, hike, dive, bike
whichever the transport, the views, you’ll like
lava fields covered in green hues
all the waterfalls under which to muse
campsite, guesthouse, hotel, hostel
which ones will make your roster?
an oasis campsite in the middle of nowhere
a fancy storm hotel with breakfast most fair
a fjorder town with a seaside hotpot
an artsy spot amid the mountains with its specially brewed allotment
the variety and simplicity will nonetheless astound you
even as the locals surround you, and hound you
why here? where’d you come from, my dear?
why not? is a solid response, and they’ll laugh and take sip of your drink, and one of your smokes, and continue the jokes
well into the night
because night is not much different from daylight
in the summer with super long days
so bring on the haze, as we continue on this maze
of nordic history and elven mystery
of craters blistery and Njal’s dynasty
a gorgeous countryside to explore
a capital city that’s never a bore
these vikings without ships
with welcomes on their lips
so their homestead now sees more newbies
than purebred babies
but the more the merrier, they seem prepared to say
adding, how can I help you enjoy your stay?
thank you, Iceland, I’ve had here some epic days