
January 16th, 2018

10 minutes to go

ten minutes down

ten minutes up

will you let up

what is with this get up

i’ve got ten thousand dreams

and you’ve got ten thousand seams

ripped at the seams were your dreams

not mine

so don’t be afraid to rewind

it’s only time

and heaven can wait

as we’ve waited

with breath bated

to be truly elated

just ten more minutes

to be tasted

taste this minute

this moment

exactly how it is

exactly how it’s spoken

because it is a token

a treasure

of life right now

here we come out of the woodwork

here we come

to prove we work – better

better than the hard bodies

it’s time for the soft bodies, the curved bodies

that care about the smaller ones

their stories

their glories

often ignored

stored away for later

make her quiet

make her calm

well, despite that, we’ll grow louder

we’ll go proudly

as women given the chance

not just for romance

but to lead the dance

own the night

fulfill the right

to be whatever

despite the patriarchy – despite the misogyny

we will flaunt what god’s given us

not because i’m just a sexy beast

but because i have a voice

and a point of view i cannot help but release

not because i just want attention

but because I want to fight future dissension

women should not be forced to subside

to hide

but embrace the pride of the matriarchy

the woman in charge

will be the one to solve the problems at large

throughout the world

if we can truly stand together

support each other whatever endeavor

we truly can make everything better